Tuesday, May 4, 2010

what'd ya think mom?

No one wants to land in another country only to fall flat on her face.  That just plain sucks! My poor mom. After traveling for hours from Prague to Portland, the first thing she did, in her words, was kiss the ground after not being in the states for over a year. Literally. She tripped over some precariously placed luggage and really hurt her knee. So, the first week and a half of plans I had lined up would have to wait until after I came back from Minneapolis and her knee was hopefully healed.  Instead, we spent time with my peeps at dinners here and there, which sort of worked out with shabby weather looming.  She was able to meet Jesse, Sara and her husband Jesse and Jena and Justin for a celebratory home-owning outing in their new neighborhood.

After a couple weeks of flying solo in Portland and my return from Minneapolis, we were happy to see one another and have a nice remaining week together before she flew back to Prague. The bad part was cramming in the things I had planned over a five week period into one, but we did most of what I wanted, less a trip to Reno/Tahoe and Seattle. Next visit. We did manage a trip to Cannon Beach, the Japanese Gardens, the NW 23rd area which has a nice little shopping area, the Rose Gardens, various parts of the Arboretum, Multnomah Falls, the Tulip Festival, Saturday Market, Mobile Eats and sampled a few of my favorite restaurants.  I think she left with a little part of Portland still tugging on her heartstrings. She (meaning Portland) will most certainly do that to her visitors. This city has that affect on its residents in yet another and deeply profound way.  I think mom had a splendid time here and got a pleasant picture of my life here and the people that matter the most in it.

I already miss you mom!

Multnomah Falls, Cannon Beach above and the Tulip Festival below. Phew! We did a lot that last week!!

Mom, Jesse, Sara and Jesse at Mobile Eats and Jesse and I at Saturday Market.

The Rose Gardens, Japanese Gardens, Saturday Market and the Tulip Festival above.


  1. i love my daughter very much

  2. I also wanted to take nap on the beach without being jailed by Beaker

  3. Thanks anonymous Dad! I hope you're the one in Praha and not some estranged milkman. ;)
