Tuesday, May 11, 2010

sunshine on my shoulders makes me feel...


Oh, Saturday, you make my freckles blush!

Well, at least one of us is cute. And it 'aint me in this photo! Jesse and I took the pooches to Oswald State Park on Saturday for a little ocean fetching and picnicing. It was a glorious, sun drenching, cloudless, 70-degree day on a low-key surfer beach. After a short little 10 minute walk through a forest that could rival a child's imagination, we emerged on a very special little spot, complete with ocean cliffs, few people, great sand and your run-of-the mill spectacular waterfall feeding cliff-side into the Pacific. Beaker enjoyed some swimming and fetching and both took a roll and a half in the sand. We all dozed a little in a euphoric little beach comma before realizing that we HAD to leave in order to make dinner plans. It was hard peeling ourselves out of this picture of perfection, but we inevitably headed back to meet Jesse's friends, who I had the privilege of meeting for the first time, at PaRaDox.

After dinner, we headed to a dance benefit which was pretty amazing. Chiefly, it centered a lot around the power of the feminine through dance, but everyone participated, barefoot and brazen on the hardwood floors of an old fourth floor corner dance studio. It inspired me to be among the gifted, the free, the spirited and artistic. So, this Sunday, I am joining the lovely new women I met and trying to find my inner....something...through dance. I am going to challenge myself to let go of inhibition and find a little personal power and dance my pants off like no one is watching, though I won't be alone. THAT is certainly an approach that I might not have been otherwise ready to tackle 6 months ago. Art, yes. Writing, yes. Dance, though? I am really looking forward to this experience, though a little anxiety is certainly present.

Sunday, has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Saturday?

After cleaning a filthy little apartment, I went east-side to meet Maria and Jesse at the Mississippi Marketplace food carts to make an introduction between them for the first time. Before we met, Maria and I got some iced Chai teas and walked up Mississippi and bumped into Jena's friends Julie and Brian. Small little Portland. Once at the carts, J and Maria enjoyed some Indian from Ruby Dragon while I went for an incredible rice bowl from Native Bowl. After enjoying wonderful company and tasty food under the open air canopied area (another 70+ sunny day; mandatory outside time), we bumped into Sara and Jesse. A very small Portland (that or everyone is out and about on such magnificent summer-like days). While they ordered food, Jesse, Maria and I went to a little thrift store and I picked up a couple cute tops, before Jesse and I headed to Restorative Yoga, for our Sunday wind-down. And tonight, after a productive workday for me, I get to do yoga again with the other J in my life and undo a little of the yoga effort with some pasta and apple tart afterward!

I am so very blessed with loving, kind and inspired people in my life and an environment that offers more than anyone could ever possibly hope to have. Thank you.

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