Monday, February 15, 2010


A hearty weekend indeed! On Friday, my pal Jonathan and I tested the waters at the Planetarium at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) and saw Ice Worlds. Expecting a lot, based on some of the incredible shows I had seen at Reno's planetarium, which does not boast being the largest regional planetarium by the way, we were a bit disappointed with the experience. The show lasted maybe 30 minutes, cost $5.75 and although interesting and educational, was a little....amateurish in some parts, due to what we could only describe as over-animation. BUT, there is promise of redemption with an OMNIMAX (much like an IMAX I guess) feature called Deep Sea, which should offer a little more substance. Afterward we went to the winter farmer's market off Hawthorne and picked up some fresh veggies which turned into a phenominal pesto pasta. That boy can cook! I was also introduced to honey roasted hazelnuts which are like crack! They are madly delicious and potentially habit-forming.

Saturday could not have been better spent. Sara and I decided to get an early start and headed out at 9 for breakfast at Screen Door, a southern-styled and wildly popular breakfast spot. We waited appx. 45 min. which is standard. I have been told that the wait can sometimes crest 2 hours and I can understand why. My eggs sandou (eggs beni with creamed spinach and artichoke hearts) were spectacular and well worth the wait. I also sampled some of Sara's cheddar grits (which are common round these parts) and was pleasantly surprised.

Afterward, we went to SCRAP, a thrift craft supply store, and found a few treasures grand totaling $3.10, including an old cabinet door I plan on sanding and etch burning at some point. Cha ching! Afterward we went to Mill End Fabric Store, where the selection of fabrics instantly made my decision making abilities paralytic. I felt like a headless chicken running myself in circles around the same fabrics over and over and over again.

Just when I thought I couldn't come out of my fabric stroke, I found holy moly buttons. I love buttons and these were P.E.R.F.E.C.T for embelishments I like to add to the fabric pieces I make with ribbons. I also got craft supplies for the few DIY birthday presents that are coming up as well as a few "just because" projects that I can't wait to start. The sew bug has hit!

Sunday was perhaps the best commercially pushy holiday I have ever spent...alone and on purpose! I started by treating myself to heart shaped pancakes and the dogs to the heart-shaped Evo cookies they seem to love so much. Afterward we went for a little walk before I headed over to Audubon Care Center for their open house.

My friend Sara, who so generously volunteers her time there, gave me the insider's tour, which included a sample of meal prep: grains, dead mice (sorry i forgot to bring my camera), worms and another dead bird body (less the head for the larger species). I also got to see some beautiful birds, owls, falcons, raptors and crows up close. Then I saw some chopped up mouse parts in one of the falcon cages and suddenly got really hungry. So, after I left, I picked up some takeout, brie and anjou pears for later, a bottle of Syrah and my favorite chocolates, where I enjoyed some food, a nap, some wine, a very relaxing bath and some very crappy TV before heading to bed. And I wouldn't have had it any other way thanks to the martyred saint that has evoked the celebrated tradition of prescribed romance and or love; self, coupled, platonic or familial. 

The largely covered Feeling Good by My Brightest Diamond really says it all. Hope you all had a wonderful day.

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